(logo)  Network 3: External programs

On this settings page, you can configure some external programs for network accesses that AWeb doesn't support directly yet.


A mailto: address is for sending e-mail. If your mail reader supports command line arguments to send a mail, you can use this feature. An example is the Voodoo mail reader (by Osma Ahvenlampi), that can be used like this:
   Voodoo MAIL TO someone@foo.bar

If you don't use such a mailer, you can use a script that calls your editor, and then a mail post program. An example script is included.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your mail command. Argument parameters are:
first %s = e-mail address to send the mail to.
second %s = screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your mail program supports opening on a public screen.


A ftp: address is for retrieving files via the FTP protocol. If you own a FTP client that supports command line arguments, you can use this feature. A simple example is the ncftp program that comes with the AmiTCP/IP package.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your FTP command. Argument parameters are:
first %s = host name to connect to
second %s = full path and file name to fetch
third %s = screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your FTP program supports opening on a public screen.

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